#10281 Why Aren’t You Catholic? - Fr. Sebastian Walshe

Questions Covered:

04:07 – I think the Scriptures show that non-denominational approach is better for me personally to serve Christ. 
14:55 – I think people use religion and Catholicism as ways to make sense of the world, but it’s not actually truth. 
19:25 – I’m not Catholic (or any denomination) because I think it’s too rule-oriented. We should have more liberty in Christ. 
29:30 – I want to become Catholic but I’m not sure how to begin. 
34:05 – I grew up Catholic but branched away from it because I feel like there’s not much community in it. 
41:10 – I believe that Jesus is the high priest and there’s no need to go to a priest for confession. Also the Catholic expression of worship is different from what we see in the Bible. 
52:57 – I’m not Catholic because the Church doesn’t want me, a divorced and remarried man.

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