#10279 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

04:25 – My Protestant friend objects to the TV show “The Chosen” because she thinks it violates the second commandment. What can I say to her? 
13:42 – How did the Liturgy of the Hours develop? Do religious orders have their own version? 
18:18 – I always understood that we are judged at our death and then go to heaven, hell, or purgatory. But I heard the other day that we’re judged at the end of the world. Are we re-judged? 
29:50 – What specific evidence do people usually use to claim that Christianity came from Zoroastrianism? 
37:33 – Is it possible for the devil to enter your room during one of your dreams? 
44:35 – If John the Baptist’s father was a high priest, why didn’t John serve as a priest? 
48:48 – If Jesus blots our sins away, are we still going to be judged for that sin after we ask for forgiveness? 

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