#10278 Open Forum - Colin Donovan
Questions Covered:
4:30 – A friend told me it’s more merciful for someone to exist in hell than to not exist at all. Is that true, and if so, why is it?
8:20 – If someone committed a mortal sin, and forgot about it at his next confession but still made a good confession, would he still have to confess it once he remembered it?
16:48 – Do the Church Fathers, in their discussion of the Eucharist, ever use the term metaousious?
20:51 – How could it be just for God to give an eternal punishment for finite sins?
28:30 – I heard a deacon say that they had a cross (not crucifix) in their church because we want to remember Jesus’ resurrection, not his death. Is that a new idea? Should we be wary of it?
31:15 – Can canon law be changed before the next edition?
35:50 – Since the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, why isn’t it mentioned in the Apostolic creed?
41:42 – I’ve seen multiple priests, when I go up to receive communion, have one host at the ready but then switch it out for another when I receive. Why would they do that?
45:20 – If Adam and Eve had not sinned, would we be in need of heaven?
50:45 – When the priest’s hands are consecrated, can that consecration be passed down to a layperson?