#10277 Unequally Yoked - Gregory Popcak

Questions Covered:

08:00 – Was St. Rita unequally yoked to her husband?
17:25 – Why doesn’t the Church or Christian counselors emphasize more the importance of making sure couples are in alignment with their faith? For example, frowning on marrying someone outside the faith.
21:53 – How do I handle a husband who is my same faith, but now seems to view God and my faith as a competitor, like I have another boyfriend or something.
30:32 – My husband and I are in the process of validating our marriage. What advice can you give when my husband doesn’t want to pray with me or participate at Mass?
42:15 – I’ve been married for 21 years but two years ago my husband left the faith and now my children are wanting to leave. I continue to go alone. What can I do besides pray?
48:07 – My friend is in a physically intimate relationship with a girl who is not Christian. He asked me if I thought they should break up. What should I tell him?
51:34 – My husband in Jewish and sometimes I just need his support, for example, to get my kids to come to Mass. What is your advice?

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