#10273 Open Forum - Fr. John Trigilio
Questions Covered:
06:35 – Did Jesus have a guardian angel? Could the one who comforted him during his Agony in the Garden have been it?
15:00 – Do sedevacantist priests confer valid sacraments?
17:53 – My priest doesn’t allow us to go to confession anonymously. How can we work around this without doing anything wrong?
22:10 – If you audibly hear a voice telling you a negative message while you’re looking at the crucifix, is it from Jesus or could it be from elsewhere?
30:40 – Will the apostolic pardon keep you out of purgatory?
33:13 – Was Mary only sinless when she was pregnant with Jesus, or was she sinless her whole life?
36:28 – Were the words of the Memorare changed from “in thy clemency hear and answer me” to “in your mercy?”
39:55 – Why isn’t it idolatry to have figurines and shrines of saints?
46:40 – My Pentecostal relative died recently and my family wanted to have the service in a Catholic church. They also wanted a pentecostal preacher to say the service, but the priest said no and they got very upset. How could I have talked to them about it better?
51:00 – I’ve been a Protestant my whole life. I’m thinking about becoming Catholic but I’m having a really hard time getting in contact with the local priest. Is this a sign that God doesn’t want me to become Catholic?