#10258 Ask a Priest - Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.
04:51 – Why don’t we observe the Sabbath on Saturday?
12:44 – Can a Catholic assent to the idea that we all have unconscious biases?
21:08 – Why is living a moral life necessary if we can just have a deathbed conversion/baptism/confession?
31:28 – If I bring a non-Catholic to Mass and tell them not to go to communion, but they go anyway, what should I do?
36:20 – I’m dealing with scrupulosity and have a very long exhaustive list of possible mortal sins. If I were to go through and discern if each one was a mortal sin, that would take a really long time. Should I make a shorter list and confess those in order to take communion?
44:55 – Is there a good resource for keeping high school- and college-age adults engaged in the faith?
49:20 – If the male priesthood represents the maleness of Christ, why can men still be laity?