#10257 Loved Ones with Same-Sex Attractions - Rilene Simpson

Questions Covered:

13:29 – Many speakers say that action or inaction of the parents are the cause of these feelings in their children. Do they ever tell the parents that they are the cause of this and the children are the victims? 
13:20 – How do you help loved ones find their identity in Christ when they identify as “they” and have same-sex attraction without shoving it down their throat? 
30:05 – Why didn’t you use the term “love” in your comments about parents speaking with their children? 
31:57 – My son was dating a girl for many years who broke up with him and later said she is gay. Is there any way he could have known that sooner? And how do we interact with her parents? 
37:35 – My 15 year old granddaughter wants to change her gender and says that she can’t keep being Catholic. What does the Church teach?  
45:18 – What is a good approach to leading a parent who identifies as gay or bi back to Christ? My parents divorced and my mom “married” another woman. 
50:01 – As an Eucharistic minister, am I encouraged or discouraged from giving Communion to someone I know is living an active gay lifestyle? 
51:51 – My friend’s two children identify as gay and she assumed because I was Catholic that I would reject her and her children. How do I tell her I still want to be friends without accepting that they are right? 

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