#10251 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer
2:31 – Who are the “sons of God” in Genesis 6?
06:17 – Isn’t it okay for us to be angry at God? He can handle it. And isn’t it wrong to say Jesus chooses hardship for us? That sounds Calvinist.
16:09 – When we go to heaven, will we have less knowledge of God than the angels, the same, or greater?
21:04 – How did we get from a God who visits punishment on us for four generations (in the Old Testament) to one who says we must forgive seventy times seven times? And how would I answer an atheist who says that makes God cruel?
30:17 – Why in the Church in America is there a tendency to question or criticize the Pope instead of trying to understand what he’s doing? (regarding motu proprio)
35:06 – Is there any evidence from the early Church Fathers of what happened to Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea?
40:21 – Do I have to agree with all of Catholic Social Teaching in order to become Catholic?
44:30 – Is the name “Jesus” synonymous with “Joshua”?
46:15 – Is it a sin for me to allow my family members to receive Communion when they shouldn’t?
48:13 – How much credibility should we give to the writings of saints and mystics, especially when talking to non-Catholics?