#10248 Ask a Priest - Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.

04:41 – Why does Peter have such a strong reaction in Acts 10 against eating what is unclean when he heard things like the bread of life discourse? 
08:54 – How does free will play into the story of the Fall of man? 
16:05 – Is there any subtle mention of the Trinity in the Old Testament? 
20:27 – What do these verses from Isaiah and James mean? 
24:05 – How do I respond to the claim of limited atonement? 
35:20 – Sometimes I feel like God has set us up to sin. We’re predisposed to sin, but God set us up that way. Why would he make us like that? 
42:30 – Is it okay for me to attend my half-sister’s wedding after she’s left the faith? 
47:36 – Is it okay for me to worship on my own instead of in a particular church? 
53:03 – Is it okay to work at a place where you can reasonably suspect people go to commit sin? 

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