#10242 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

04:15 – If we know saints are in heaven, how do we know that people are in hell like Judas? 
12:00 – Is there any reasonable compromise between new-earth belief and old-earth belief based on science? 
18:45 – What’s the function of a diocese metropolitan? 
21:28 – Does receiving the Eucharist remit venial sins? And what’s the difference between venial and mortal sins? 
23:50 – During the Transfiguration, what were Jesus, Moses, and Elijah talking about? 
25:02 – Since the Last Supper took place before the sacrifice on Calvary, was that Eucharist exactly the same as the one we receive now? 
23:31 – Can you help me understand Judges 11:29-39 and why God seemed to accept the sacrifice of someone’s daughter? 
33:42 – If people in hell can manifest themselves to living people like psychics or mystics, can people in heaven do the same? 
41:00 – Why was the Mass done in Latin for so long when people didn’t understand Latin? 
48:43 – What should we do if we have gone to a medium and followed their instructions? 

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