#10240 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

07:30 – Are all big “T” Traditions found implicitly somewhere in Scripture? 
15:03 – My atheist friend doesn’t think the Moses story is real. What can I say to him? 
20:54 – Based on Romans 8, is it possible for someone to be justified and glorified if they’re not predestined? 
28:54 – Are the parables of Lazarus and the unforgiving servant about purgatory? And how can I learn more about purgatory? 
36:33 – Were Sts. Augustine and/or Jerome at the Council of Carthage? 
42:32 – How do I reconcile 1 Jn. 3:8-9 with us being sons of God? 
46:16 – In Mk 15:2, did Jesus admit he was King of the Jews? 
49:30 – How do I respond to Protestants who say the Catholic Church is the beast in Revelation and the Pope is the antichrist? 
51:12 – One of the common explanations for the “brothers” of Jesus is to say there’s no Aramaic word for “cousin.” However, in Luke, we read that Elizabeth is Mary’s cousin. Why do we have the word there but not in reference to Jesus’s brothers? 

Resources mentioned:
jimmyakin.com: “The Point of Lazarus and the Rich Man”
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World: “The Exodus! Did it Happen?”

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