#10239 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

05:16 – What kind of grace can we merit? 
11:05 – What if there’s a better alternative to the COVID vaccine? Should we be using that instead? 
18:02 – What is the Catholic view of substitutionary atonement? 
22:47 – Does the Catholic Church support the decriminalization of drugs? 
30:46 – My mother received last rites about six months before she died. How long do the effects of last rites last? Would she still benefit from them at death? 
35:20 – Is it morally permissible for a Catholic to attend a non-Catholic wedding? 
45:05 – Doesn’t Paul condemn fasting from certain foods in 1 Tim 4:3? 
49:59 – Is there a way for me to still access the Eucharist if I reject one of the infallibly defined dogmas of the Catholic Church? 

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