#10234 The Annulment Process - Rose Sweet
Questions Covered:
05:53 – What is the process of annulment and how do these processes vary between dioceses?
22:22 – In the case where children are involved, should the parents seek the counsel of the priest who married them?
29:52 – If I was married in the Protestant Church, how is this considered valid by the Catholic Church?
36:10 – I am new to the Church, and I’m being told I need an annulment even though I was never married in the church. Why?
42:50 – If one member does not consent to annulment, what is the status of the marriage?
46:39 – My fiancé is trying to annul a marriage with someone who is mentally unstable and is trying not to involve her out of fear. Now, my diocese tells me this is unallowed. What should I do?