#10230 Life After Death - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 
16:00 – If the divine grace Christ merited can be “applied” at any point in time, why did the righteous have to wait in Abraham’s bosom?
19:12 – If it is taught that if you reach a certain level of charity, you can immediately go to heaven, but charity is solely to will the good the other, how does this other motive of getting to heaven not undercut what charity truly is?
25:06 – What is Limbo? Why was it removed? When did the doctrine of “universal salvation” emerge?
28:30 – Do we know what the sensation of purgatory is? Is it physically or spiritually painful? Will we be aware that we are in purgatory?
38:30 – My mom just passed away; we miss her. My dad asked that even though we know that she is happy in heaven, does she feel separation from us in the same way we feel separated from her? So, she wouldn’t be sad, but does she feel any lack like we feel without her?
46:43 – I just started reading “Purgatory is for Real” and I’m not clear on why if our sins are forgotten by God, why do we “dwell” on them in a sense, and why need purgatory at all?
2:32 – I suffer from scrupulosity. I tend to view God as a God who will send us to hell at the tiniest little mistake. How do I view God as a more loving and merciful God? Is it possible to go to hell if we are not sure if we committed a mortal sin or not?

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