#10231 Life After Death - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 
01:45- I suffer from scrupulosity. I tend to view God as a God who will send us to hell at the tiniest little mistake. How do I view God as a more loving and merciful God? Is it possible to go to hell if we are not sure if we committed a mortal sin or not?
07:30 – In a spiritual sense what is our life on earth compared to the spiritual life in Purgatory, Heaven and Hell? What is our role/purpose in living here first on earth?
13:24 – Can you explain the thought that Purgatory is a place to atone for our sins? This is what I was always taught.
20:34 – Can one pray to a deceased loved one without the knowledge that they are in Heaven?
24:49 – How do we know if we are in purgatory or hell if we are being tormented in both? If I am in purgatory and I think I am in hell and I start cursing God’s name for putting me in hell, is there a chance I can actually be cast into hell at this point
34:37 – Will a soul who has not followed the Christian life still have the opportunity to go to purgatory and Heaven?
42:25 – Does God still love the souls in Hell and the demons?
44:25 – Why do we believe that when we die we go to heaven and are not just asleep until Jesus comes again? Jesus says that Lazarus “is asleep” when he is dead so it seems as though we would all just be sleeping until Christ comes again
50:50 – When you go to Purgatory do you see other people in purgatory with you or those in Heaven, Angels, or even Jesus?

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