#10228 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 
1:42 – Bishop Barron questions if anyone is in hell and he says there is no church teaching on who is in hell. Are there people in hell and can we know if there are?
11:48 – Can Tim help me formulate an answer to the pro-choice argument that pregnancy is extremely dangerous and so therefore abortion is okay?
23:29 – Why does the Pope come out with the Motu Proprio but not come down strongly on politicians who are pro-choice and still receive communion?
39:44 – Why should I be Catholic?
44:29 – How do I answer the claim that St. Augustine was a Calvinist made by my protestdent friends?
46:20 – I’m an orthodox Christian and I’m discerning marriage with a Roman Catholic girl. I really cherish the tradition we have of infant baptism, confirmation, and communion happening all at the same time. Why doesn’t the Roman Catholic church have this tradition? How can you claim the fullness of the faith without doing this?

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