#10226 Ask a Priest - Fr. Paul Check

Questions Covered: 

07:38 – When the ‘65 Mass and missal were around, did priests have the choice to celebrate 1) either all in Latin or with some vernacular, and 2) either facing East or not?
11:30 – How can parish priests evangelize to fallen-away Catholics?
16:12 – Will the Eucharist be in the New Earth?
19:05 – Is it morally acceptable for me to ask someone their gender if I already have a good idea what it is?
21:02 – I recently learned my marriage isn’t valid. Do I have to refrain from receiving Communion until it’s validated?
24:24 – Is the Catechism infallible? How should we use it as a source if it’s not? What exactly is theological opinion?
32:04 – What’s the latest Canon law thinking on the pope’s motu proprio?
34:10 – Is JPII’s Theology of the Body considered doctrine or just theological opinion?
45:20 – My church doesn’t kneel after the “Holy, holy, holy” in the Eucharistic prayer. We sit instead. Is this okay?
48:03 – How was it decided which specific saints are in the Eucharistic Prayer?

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