#10224 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 
06:31 – Is there a specific thank you prayer to say to the Lord when he answers your prayers other than just saying “thank you”?
11:50 – What does Jesus mean in Matt 23:3 by “call no man father”? Don’t we call priests “father”?
10:05 – Is the ancient practice in Leviticus of the priests offering grain to God by raising and waving it high in the air the origin of why the priest lifts the Host during the Consecration?
20:28 – I know that the saint statues in my house are not God, but what led the ancient Israelites to believe that the statues they made (the golden calf for example) were actually God? Why did they worship/believe that their idols were God?
23:35 – I’m a revert to Catholicism and I don’t understand why the Church makes you get married in the Church. The Church will accept baptism from other churches, why don’t they accept marriages from other churches?
35:50 – I don’t understand why God allowed men in the OT to have multiple wives and now is against that. If God is an unchanging God, why did He “change His mind” on this?
47:53 – How does Mary reconcile with Romans 3:23 and doesn’t this contradict the Immaculate Conception?

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