#10180 Faith and Science - Stacy Trasancos

Questions Covered: 

08:45 – One of the arguments in the German Synodal against same sex marriage is that it goes against biology. I wanted to get Dr. Stacy’s thoughts on this matter. 
14:50 – I’m a math teacher at a small private school. Our teachers try to use interdisciplinary methods, like I teach the possibility of the world coming into being through chance. How can I explain how math and statistics can work along with Christianity? 
22:40 – I had a friend who asked about new world and old world theories in evolution. I was wondering what Dr. Stacy’s take on these were and what the Catholic Church teaches as well? 
35:05 – At the end of the world, after the final judgement, we will have resurrected bodies like Jesus. Since Jesus ate fish in his resurrected body, I was wondering if we will continue raising plants and animals for food after the final judgment? Will the plants and animals  also be immortal since we are and how will that work? 

44:40 – I’d love to hear Dr. Stacy’s take on how the world was created? And are you familiar with Dr. Ken Miller’s work? If so, what does she think of it? 
51:50 – I’ve observed that the culture is pushing “the big bang” theory on little kids (for example, the whole premise of the TV show is that you are not smart unless you believe in the big bang theory). But I think it is important to remember that a Jesuit priest started this theory. How can we teach this theory in the “correct”, Christian way? 



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