#10165 Catholic Answers Game Show - Karlo Broussard
Catholic Answers Game Show Questions
Round 1
Contestant One
1)The union of divine and human natures in the single person of Jesus is called:
a) The hypostatic union.
b) Hylomorphism.
c) Divinization.
2) The pope’s power involves:
a) The ability to modify natural law.
b) Full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the Universal Church.
c) Full but only collegial power of jurisdiction over the Universal Church.
3) Baptism gives sanctifying grace to the soul but does not take away:
a) All sin.
b) The penalties due for sin.
c) The inclination to sin.
Contestant Two
1) Islam is:
a) Younger that Christianity.
b) More ancient than Christianity.
c) Roughly the same age as Christianity.
2) Concupiscence is:
a) The interior consent to perform a sinful action.
b) The inclination to sin. (CCC 418, 405)
c) The actual performance of a sinful action
3) Orthodox bishops are:
a) No longer in possession of apostolic succession.
b) Successors to the Apostles but lacking priestly power.
c) Real successors to the Apostles.
Contestant One
1) The Church believes that sacramentals:
a) Were established by Jesus to impart saving grace.
b) Resemble the sacraments but are only signs that dispose us to receive grace.
c) Are necessary for salvation.
2) Celibacy is the general rule for priests:
a) In all Churches in union with the pope. (no, Maronites for example)
b) In the Latin rite, but with some exceptions.
c) Only since the 19th century.
3) In the Catholic Church Ex opere operato refers to:
a) The limits on the use of force within war.
b) The fact that the sacraments do not depend on the holiness of the priest.
c) The fact that after death repentance is no longer possible.
Contestant Two
1) Without sanctifying grace, which we cannot merit, we cannot:
a) Be saved.
b) Use our powers of reason.
c) Have any knowledge of right and wrong.
2) If a priest performs a sacrament while in a state of mortal sin?
a) The sacrament is invalid
b) The sacrament is valid.
c) The sacrament is technically valid, but no grace comes from it.
3) In Catholic Teaching the phrase “jus ad bellum” refers to:
a) The moral way to wage war.
b) The right to wage war.
c) The prohibition on killing innocents.
1. F St. Paul preached on three continents. (Not Africa.)
2. T Fear of God is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
3. T Jesus was a prophet.
4. F The New Testament only uses the word “apostle” when referring to the twelve chosen by Jesus.
5. F Matthew the Apostle came out to see John the Baptist and after he met Jesus he told Peter, “We have met the Messiah.”
6. T The second person of the Trinity shares everything with the Father except being Father. (Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 246)
7. F The Church requires in all cases that heroic means be used to prolong life.