#10155 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

00:45 – Has anyone tried to make a gospel that is a combination of the four gospels? 
08:19 – At Pentecost the Holy Spirit came down and the apostles were able to speak many languages. When they went and preached to all the nations of the world were they still able to speak many languages? 
15:43 – Why has the two source hypothesis theory for the synoptic gospels gained more popularity  than the one source theory? 
24:40 – I asked a Priest to bless my new Jerusalem bible. The Priest said it was not a real bible and that they normally don’t bless them. However he said some “sanctifying” words over it. Could I get some clarification on why it isn’t a real bible? 

32:23 – Where do the nativity narratives come from in Luke and Matthew? It seems strange that Jesus would tell people and talk about His birth. How did the gospel writers hear the account of His birth? 
39:00 – Why do newer translations of the bible have different words in place of words in older translations of the bible? I feel like important details are left out when certain words are changed. 
44:22 – Joseph had a dream where there were eleven stars bowing down to him which represent his brothers and mother and father. But the bible also says that Rachel died at birth with Benjamin. How can this prophecy be true if his mother (Rachel) died? 
51:06 – Is Matthias an apostle or not?   


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