#10145 Same-Sex Attraction - Kim Zember
What does the Church teach about same-sex attraction? How can we best love one another as Christ commands?
Questions Covered:
14:11 – How do you explain to people how and why transgenderism is not a part of God’s plan for people and not what the Church teaches?
20:40 – What do you do about family members who are living a same-sex lifestyle when you want to show you care but can’t support some of their choices?
31:20 – I have a transgender nephew. We are all Catholic. I am struggling because he wants to be addressed as a female, but I don’t want to cause scandal for my kids and nieces. How do I meet him where he is but also do the right thing?
41:35 – Do you think that some people feel drawn to the gay lifestyle because the heterosexual lifestyle has become too painful and complicated?
48:35 – I have been struggling with people asking me at work to call them by different gender pronouns. I see a lot of fluidity in gender in nature in animals. How do you know that this gender fluidity is wrong and not what God wants?
50:28 – I was chatting with someone and didn’t know they were gay. I spoke about the pain and trauma that can sometimes cause people to explore different gender identities and this person was horrified that I thought trauma made them gay. I did not know how to best respond. How can I answer them?