#10123 Open Forum - Jim Blackburn
Questions Covered:
05:17 – The thief on the cross was told he would be in paradise, but he died before Pentecost and was not baptized. Is paradise separate from the kingdom of heaven and did he make it to paradise?
16:01 – If you go out for dinner with someone during lent on a Friday and they eat meat, how do you let them know politely that is inappropriate, and are you also sinning by witnessing that sin?
22:56 – Why does the formula for confession not change regardless of rite and who you confess to? And when you say “bless me father for I have sinned” are you speaking to God, the priest, or both?
29:21 – There are Catholic missions approved by the bishops that do not allow their counselors to speak about God or pray to clients unless they ask for it. Can you explain to me why? Are they denying their conscience?
40:40 – How do we handle critical race theory and the mandated training in the workplace (having unconscious unbiased etc.) especially as the sole breadwinners of the family? Do we stand up for our faith beliefs?
48:30 – What is the church’s teaching on Limbo?