#10121 Overcoming Obstacles to Catholicism - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

01:52 – On Ch 28 of Karlo’s Meeting the Protestant Challenge he explains that because the Old Testament has priests the second should as well, but I don’t understand this because I thought having priests in the first testament was somewhat of a mistake. Can Karlo explain further? 
10:47 – Why did God create us if he knew we would sin? 
17:00 – Can Karlo comment on Matthew 10:28 and offer me some clarification? 
22:10 – I was previously agnostic for a very long time but have recently come find answers and believe in God, but the one thing I can’t reconcile or understand about the catholic faith is the recent sex scandals and how the church and/or clergy justifies of covers these wrongdoings. 
35:48 – My fiancé is not catholic but I am. I’ve heard it is true that once you understand the truth you have an obligation to accept it. However, despite my efforts and hers to understand and find answers about Catholicism she is still not “sold” on common struggles like how Mary is the mother of God etc. Can Karlo comment on the possible state of her salvation regarding misunderstanding and denial? 
43:00 – Why can’t a priest celebrate the sacrament of marriage outside of a physical catholic church? 
49:55 – Jesus is the son of God, but in the bible, lineage traces back Adam as the son of God because he had no mother or father. Is the Apostles’ creed and the church wrong about who or how many sons God really has? 

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