#10113 Open Forum - Mark Brumley

Questions Covered:

08:25 – In the Eucharistic prayer one, the priest seems to say that he is offering the bread and wine as a sacrifice, and then again later, as Christ’s sacrifice. Why does it seem like there are two sacrifices happening? 
16:47 – What is the most comprehensive set of historical facts about Jesus that would aid me as a Christian in defending my faith? 
19:22 – How do I reassure someone about the Catholic Church who is concerned about it because of the sexual scandals that have happened? 
24:40 – How does archaeology of artifacts from the Bible work? Have there been items found that have compounded what is taught as history in the Bible that date back correctly? 
37:05 – Some of the prayers on prayer cards say that they’ll grant indulgences if you say the prayers, taking a certain amount of time off purgatory, etc. How is that determined? 
44:31 – What are your book recommendations for a person preparing a child for their first Eucharist? 
48:50 – What power does Satan have? We obviously have to deal with him, but God has ultimate power. 

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