#10111 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:42 – How do we know we’re right about what we believe? 
08:08 – In Genesis 18 who is Abraham talking to exactly? 
16:30 – Can Jimmy offer me some clarification on Matthew 18:19? 
29:36 – Why did God give his only son to be murdered, and where is justification for this in the Bible? 
34:30 – I was reading a book by Bart Ehrman and he spoke about some of the St. Paul letters and I was wondering what Jimmy has to say about Ehrman’s statements; if they are true or not, and if true, how that changes our view on St. Paul’s letters. 
41:50 – Scripture says, “I go to my God and you to your God”. Doesn’t that take away from God’s divinity? 
48:42 – I’ve heard because Mary is without sin and was a virgin, she did not suffer birthing pains but, in Revelations 12 the verse says she labors in pain. Can Jimmy offer some clarification on this? 

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