#10106 The Church in the News - JD Flynn
Questions Covered:
18:30 – Why do Catholics continue to use and promote Facebook (and other social media platforms) when it has negative motivations and repercussions?
24:20 – Does the Vatican have a prison? Is there an established legal system?
29:31 – The pope’s statements often get mistaken, confused and stated infallibly. How can we approach the pope’s statements in conversation with non-Catholics? Also, where does catholic teaching fall within doctrine, dogma and discipline?
35:18 – Does JD have any comments or clarification to offer on the letter Cardinal Ratzinger sent to archbishop McCarrick addressing the issue of politicians advocating abortion and being able to receive communion in 2004?
44:00 I’ve heard Father Altman say the democratic platform/party is all engulfed in mortal sin and that if we choose to vote liberally, we are committing that sin. Is this true?