#10084 Win the Person, Not the Argument - Joe Heschmeyer
Questions Covered:
14:21 – How can I get my fiancé to accept God and not be angry with Him when it seemed like he wasn’t there for her in a really hard situation?
19:50 – My buddy is a Baptist and is interested in the Catholic faith. I don’t know how to talk to him without arguing or seeming like I am just trying to convert him.
23:23 – I am a member of a Christian ministry that includes Protestants. One of the leaders supports his homosexual son’s lifestyle and I said that it was wrong. He went crazy. How can I speak to him going forward?
36:17 – I want to be Catholic but my family is Pentecostal. How do I get on track to becoming Catholic?
44:33 – I am a Catholic but haven’t been to Mass in years. I got divorced and remarried a Christian. My family thinks there is a conflict in me being Catholic but attending Protestant Church. Is that true? How should I talk to them about it?