#10069 Open Forum - Tom Nash

Questions Covered:

03:25 – A Protestant told me that the Church made up the priesthood, especially using Hebrews 10:11 to say that priests can never take away sins. How can I answer this? 
13:20 – What is Catholic teaching on the relationship between Church and state? Should Church and state be combined? 
16:45 – What are the practical steps to becoming a saint? 
30:00 – How does the Catholic Church understand the spirit and the bride in Revelation 22? How do they view God “the mother”? 
41:20 – Catholics claim that Jesus rose bodily from the dead, which is a scientific impossibility. How do they defend that? 
45:39 – What is the difference between doctrine, dogma, and teaching? 
50:02 – What is the power of the [papal] keys? Does Peter exhibit this power in Acts when he has a vision of clean and unclean things? 
52:12 – What does Revelation 3:16 mean? 

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