#10014 You’re Not Alone - Edward Sri
How can we take comfort and direction from Scripture in times of great trial?
Questions Covered:
22:32 – Matthew 1:19 talks about St. Joseph trying to figure out what to do when he finds out Mary is pregnant. What does this verse mean and how can we apply it to our lives and trials?
30:23 – You said that in Egypt, the Hebrews were following in the pagan depravity of the Egyptians. Where is the evidence for that in the text?
34:05 – With this lockdown, how can we build up our domestic Church and live out our family life the best we can?
44:00 – Do you think our Church fails to take a hard view on certain issues to keep their financial support from their divided flock?
49:00 – What does Jesus mean when he says that he did not come to bring peace, but the sword (Mt. 10:34)?