#10000 The Why’s of Catholic Belief - Karlo Broussard

Why do Catholics believe what they do?
Questions Covered:

12:28 – Why did Jesus still have his wounds on his glorified body? Is it like that in heaven? 
19:55 – Why do Catholics kneel and stand and sit during the liturgy? 
23:24 – Why do we pray for the saints to intercede for us? Wouldn’t that cause sadness for the saints in heaven? 
29:09 – Why do we pray for the saints to intercede for us? Wouldn’t that cause sadness for the saints in heaven? 
33:40 – What is ordinary time in the liturgical calendar versus the other times of the year? 
37:03 – There are books in Catholic bibles that are not in Protestant bibles. Why is that?  
46:20 – Why do Catholics believe that you cannot use birth control? 

Resources Mentioned:

Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger by Gary Michuta 
Bringing Sanity Back to Sex Part 1 and 2
How Contraception Thwarts Love

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