#9991 Overcoming Obstacles to Belief in Jesus - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

11:10 – As a new convert, how do we cope with Judas’ treachery when he was chosen by Jesus himself? 
20:10 – We know crucifixions happened through the wrist, so how do we reconcile that with the Gospels, private revelation, and the stigmata indicating Jesus had wounds in his hands? 
24:10 – How did Jesus’ death and resurrection bring us over into the new covenant? 
36:35 – How can Jesus allow horrible things to happen to innocent people? 
47:26 – Why are the resurrection accounts so short compared to the rest of the Gospels? It seems like that’s a really big deal that the authors would have talked about more. 
50:36 – What is the connection between Peter’s confession of faith and his subsequent attempt to prevent Jesus’ death? 

Resources Mentioned:
Making Sense Out of Suffering by Peter Kreeft

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