#9949 Open Forum - Jim Blackburn

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

05:50 – My neighbor is a Lutheran who told me that even Mary doubted who Jesus was. Is that true? 
13:48 – Can the text of the gospel be changed to accommodate people better? For example, instead of ‘men’, to say ‘people’? 
22:25 – Is sedevacantism true? 
29:55 – How can we combat transgenderism? 
37:35 – What is the logic of the necessity of purgatory? 
45:00 – What are the earliest accounts of the sacraments of confirmation? 
52:29 – I am going through RCIA, but my wife does not want to go through it. What is the status of our marriage? Can I take the Sacraments? 

Resources Mentioned:

Redemptionis Sacramentum
Purgation Station
Scripture Confirms It
The 7 Signs 

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