#9889 Open Forum - Fr. Paul Keller O.P.
Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.
Questions Covered:
02:05 – Why does Mary need a savior if she is sinless?
07:06 – How do you know that Mary was saved at her conception?
13:25 – When Jesus Christ died on the cross, his divine self didn’t die. How could his body and divinity be separated for 3 days?
18:21 – Why didn’t Mary feel labor pains if she felt emotional pain at her son’s death? Also, why did she need to remain a virgin in marriage?
30:25 – If God is unchanging, then how could he change and become man?
37:00 – What does the Catholic Church teach is the origin of hell?
41:32 – Was the marriage of Mary and Joseph valid since they didn’t consummate it?
49:30 – How does one defend the integrity of the Church after such tragedies like the Albigensian Crusades?