#9849 Jesus the Word - Fr. Robert McTeigue

Jesus is the Word made flesh. Fr. McTeigue joins us to discuss.
Questions Covered:

18:24 – You spoke about evangelizing people by understanding their needs. Why shouldn’t we just evangelize the way Jesus did? 
23:00 – What does the God the Word say about incorrect translations of the Bible that have removed books?   
29:15 – How can we prove that Jesus is in the Eucharist? Why We’re Catholic 
30:45 – My wife always asks me what the meaning of the “word” is in the prayer, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed.” Is this referring to Jesus the Word? 
43:08 – How do we, from a Catholic understanding, navigate the distance between us and our Protestant brothers regarding sola scriptura? 

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