#9847 Jesus the Exorcist - Fr. Vincent Lampert

Jesus spent a large portion of his earthly ministry as an exorcist, casting out demons.
Questions Covered:

17:57 – Can fasting drive out demons? 
22:22 – How do we know whether an evil spirit is telling us the truth? 
32:57 – Are there rabbis in the Jewish faith today who are exorcists? 
35:42 – Should we preach in our churches more about the existence of the devil? 
44:30 – Can you help me to understand why Jesus sends the demons into the swine and then they run into the sea? 
47:00 – Under what authority do other faiths cast out demons? 
50:37 – Can broken relationships cause demonic possession? 
52:40 – Can people cast a spell on another person? I have been experiencing really strange things. 

Resources Mentioned:

The Truth About Exorcism Focus episode with Fr. Lampert

Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons by Fr. Lampert

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