#9844 The Church in the News - JD Flynn
JD Flynn talks about all the latest news in the Catholic Church.
Questions Covered:
13:57 – I heard that the Pope is now approving civil unions and same-sex marriage. Is this true?
20:06 – Who has been recommended by McCarrick who is now a cardinal or a bishop?
29:10 – What is your opinion on the persecution of Christians and Catholics in the media and politics today in the United States?
37:45 – Pope Francis seemed to be very antagonistic toward President Trump, even though he did a lot for the pro-life movement and the Little Sisters of the Poor. What are your thoughts on this?
44:00 – What’s going on with Cardinal Becciu and Cardinal Pell?
51:52 – Why did CNA come out and state that Biden was the president elect and that he was the second Catholic president, when the election had not been certified?