#9824 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
08:20 – What does Jesus mean in Matthew 7:21-23, when he says the “one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven”?
13:30 – Did Christ’s death make salvation possible for all peoples?
17:12 – Why isn’t the Nicene Creed included in the canon of Scripture?
21:40 – My daughter uses Scripture often to show me that the Catholic Church is wrong. What book can you recommend that I can read to better refute her?
23:38 – How can we use Scripture to support the belief in the intercession of the saints?
35:04 – How do the Old and the New Testament relate to each other? What book can you recommend?
41:15 – When Jesus is talking about divorce, what does he mean when he says “except for adultery”?