#9822 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

02:45 – Why are we obliged to go to Mass on certain holy days that are not on Sundays? Can I go to Mass on Sunday to cover this obligation? 
4:35 – Did Jesus ever reference purgatory either directly or in parable form? 
12:43 – How can I refute the argument that Israel simply borrowed their beliefs from Canaanite mythology? 
22:30 – Is it true that souls can go to hell if no one prays for them as the message at Fatima states? 
33:18 – Why were the minor orders of the Church removed? 

38:42 – What is the moral standing of the Church on contraception that the doctor would like to prescribe for my daughter, but not for the purpose of contraception? 
49:48 – Do Catholics believe that Satan or demons can tempt us into sin? If so, how does one know that’s what is happening? 

Resources Mentioned:

On the Reliability of the Old Testament by Kenneth Kitchen

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