#9791 Bioethics - Fr. Tad Pacholczyk
Vaccines, euthanasia, organ donation, and much more, today, with Fr. Tad.
Questions Covered:
08:32 – What is the Catholic Church’s current teaching on adopting IVF babies in the form of embryos?
19:25 – Is it true that aborted fetal tissue may be used in vaccines and we may take the vaccines as long as there is no other option?
28:22 – Is it true that you are not truly dead when you donate your organs? Is it moral for a person to donate an organ to someone else, like a kidney?
34:41 – What is the Church’s teaching on transgender hormone treatments and surgeries, especially on kids?
46:31 – Should we be reaching out to these vaccine companies now requesting that they do not use embryonic cells?
50:32 – How should Catholics react if it is mandated for everyone to get a covid vaccine in order to go to work or school?