#9786 Peace in the Storm - Gregory Popcak
How can we best handle the trials of life and manage our emotions? How can we calm the fears of our family members?
Questions Covered:
13:33 – How do you help someone who is in the middle of an anxiety attack?
22:26 – I have a 10-year-old son who has been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, especially when walking through a restaurant or somewhere that he feels is too crowded. How can I help him?
34:54 – Since the pandemic started, I have been very afraid. How can I deal with my fear?
41:55 – I had a frustrating conversation with a person at the grocery store about faith on Saturday. I really lost my temper and I butchered what I wanted to say. Should I go back and apologize, or should I just move on?
45:55 – I have bipolar disorder. In the last 6 months, I have felt like I don’t need my medication. My family wants me to go on it, but I feel like God doesn’t. What should I do?
48:32 – My fiancé is anxious, and the kids get on her nerves a lot. She says she hates her life. How can I help her?
Resources Mentioned:
Unworried by Dr. Popcak