#9781 Light and Leaven - Bishop Joseph Strickland

In his direct and conversational manner, Bishop Strickland touches on a wide range of topics, including Church renewal in a time of scandal, the central importance of the Eucharist, how to build strong marriages, the need for prayer and silence in a noisy and distracted age, and the battle between good and evil in which all Christians are engaged. He will inspire and edify you with his wise insights, pastoral common sense, and evident love for souls.
Questions Covered:

21:34 – Can you discuss why priests are moved around all the time? 
33:53 – Thank you for being such a great bishop. I have really benefited from your videos online. 
36:20 – How can I get the Latin Mass in my diocese? Is there any step I can take to bring it here? 
44:10 – How can a person get the most out of the Mass? 
49:14 – What do you think about perpetual fasting schedule within a parish for the problems in our world? 

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