#9757 Open Forum for Non-Catholics - Tim Staples

Non-Catholics call with their questions.
Questions Covered:

01:18 – When we get to heaven, will we be able to see the whole history of the Church? 
06:29 – Can you explain absolute divine simplicity? 
18:06 – Why isn’t speaking in tongues allowed in the Catholic Church? 
29:00 – I was baptized yesterday in the Catholic Church but don’t know if it’s valid. He said, “I baptize you quickly in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Is it valid? 
32:33 – If God sees all and Jesus is the mediator, why ask the Pope for forgiveness? 
48:23 – Earlier you said, God is not in parts, but there is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How do you reconcile that? 
50:37 – Does the Catholic Church believe that Jesus is the son of God or a prophet? 
51:42 – The history channel had on a friar who said that God was going to destroy the world in the first century, but Jesus stopped that plan and started salvation history. Is that true? 

 Book Tim to speak at your parish or next event. 
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Behold Your Mother: A Biblical and Historical Defense of the Marian Doctrines 
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Catholic Answers to Common Objections 
The Sword of the Spirit: Defending Six Central Catholic Teachings 
Living Bread (CD) 
Last Call: The Catholic Teaching on Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell 

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