#9747 Catholic Answers Staff Open Forum - Tim Staples
Catholic Answers’ staff joins Cy and Tim for two hours of open forum.
Questions Covered:
06:18 – From Dave Matheson (Director of Development) – What is the difference between papal supremacy and papal primacy, and why is “supremacy” is favored over “primacy” in the Catholic Church?
17:20 – From Jimmy Akin (Senior Apologist) – How do you memorize Scripture? How do you select the passages that you’ve memorized?
31:13 – Donna Barrack (Director of Marketing) – What do I say when a friend, now a former Catholic, talks about “earthing” or “what the universe is doing for her”? It’s not like she’s asking a question, she’s simply sharing the way she looks at the world.
45:00 – From Chris Costello (Director of IT) – Since Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven, why does her appearance vary in Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, etc?
50:03 – From Marie Bates (Assistant Producer) What will heaven be like? What will our glorified bodies be like?