#9740 Ask a Priest - Msgr. John Cihak

Questions Covered:

03:40 – I am wondering if my Baptism was valid. I was baptized in the Baptist church and I think there was a separation of form and matter. Can you help me? 
11:22 – Should girls be permitted to be altar servers? 
16:54 – How do I teach kids how to pray? 
20:56 – I know someone who had a pacemaker and poor quality of life. They chose to turn their pacemaker off so they wouldn’t have to continue suffering. Was this ethical? 
30:30 – What are the guidelines for incensing at Mass? When the priest has the water and wine put into the chalice, they always wipe the inside a little bit after. Why? 
34:33 – What does the Catholic Church teach about how people should use their money? Should they give it all to the Church? 
37:08 – My friend is searching for belief in God and feeling a fear for death. How can I help them to come to believe in God? 
44:52 – I recently came back to the Church. My fiance doesn’t want our son to be baptized so young, she wants him to decide for himself. How can I talk to her about this important sacrament? 
49:30 – When the priest holds up one host and that becomes the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, when do the rest of the hosts become consecrated? 
51:11 – I am coming into the Church and I am trying to explain to my father the Catholic Church’s authority. He said that I am trusting my human authority to pick the Catholic Church. How can I respond? 

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