#9741 Science Leads To Jesus - Stacy Trasancos
Questions Covered:
13:28 – How do science and technology conflict with faith and how can we manage the relationship between technology and faith?
16:40 – I think the Bible and science are in direct conflict. How do you reconcile the two?
25:08 – I spend time with a lot of atheist and agnostic friends who believe in science. What is the strongest scientific evidence for God?
33:40 – There are some neuroscientists that claim that our brains believe in God because of chemical reactions and not because of His actual existence. How can I respond?
43:40 – A lot of my friends debate me on my belief in God. How can I explain why God allows bad things to happen in the world?
47:50 – I saw God’s hand in my garden this year because beetles did not destroy my crops. A wasp appeared that never had before and it eats the beetles that eat the garden. God is amazing!
49:42 – Can you explain singularity, and do you think God will allow that to happen?
Resources Mentioned:
Lost in the Cosmos by Walker Percy