#9723 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

03:00 – I am Jewish. Where do Catholics find the criteria for the Messiah? 
14:25 – What is Catholic teaching on IVF? 
17:54 – How do we know the books of the Bible are divinely inspired? 
18:58 – If God has free will and always does the right thing, why didn’t he make humans the same way? 
28:55 – Is it possible that Mary could have committed a material sin, as opposed to a formal, actual sin? Could she have committed sin in ignorance? 
36:15 – Acts 12 mentions the death of James and later mentions his prison escape. How are we meant to understand this? 
43:20 – Why should I be Catholic rather than Eastern Orthodox? Would I be a heretic if I was Orthodox? 
49:20 – If all the science books and all of the Bibles in existence were destroyed, would both come back the same as they were before?

Resources Mentioned: 

The Problem of Evil by Jimmy Akin
Why I am Not Eastern Orthodox by Jimmy Akin

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