#9716 Tips for Defending the Faith - Trent Horn

Are you struggling to defend an aspect of the Catholic faith? Trent Horn is here to help.
Questions Covered:

15:45 – How can I best respond to friends about transgenderism? I find this difficult to talk about. 
34:18 – Can you explain how to explain the miracles of Mary to a non-Catholic?   
38:08 – How can I have a conversation with Protestant friends who say that images of Christ violate God saying that there should not be graven images? 
47:37 – How can I explain to my family why abortion is such an important issue in voting? 

Resources Mentioned:

When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson
Made this Way by Trent Horn
Behold Your Mother by Tim Staples
The World’s Worst Injustice by Trent Horn

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