#9674 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin
Callers with questions about Sacred Scripture are welcome today.
Questions Covered:
03:44 – How are we meant to understand Matthew 7:1-5?
13:13 – Is there anything in Paul’s letters that shows the flawed theology of dispensationalism?
21:31 – Since the Bible is so old, which is the most trustworthy translation of it?
28:52 – In the New Testament, we hear about the Sadducees and Pharisees, but not in the Old Testament. When did these groups come into existence?
33:11 – What happened to the apostles after the crucifixion?
41:15 – I am becoming Catholic. Why doesn’t the Catholic Church have Bible studies and fellowship like in my old church?
47:40 – How do we reconcile the decalogue in Exodus and 1 Corinthians 13?