#9672 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

01:09 – Are 2 Timothy 1 and 4 good support for praying for the dead? 
13:21 – What can I do practically to serve the Church? 
18:27 – When Peter declares Jesus to be the Christ, and Christ responds calling Peter the “rock,” was he referring to Peter as the foundation of the Church or just the Church in general? 
33:40 – Why is Luke 23:34 a part of the gospel? 
43:20 – In prayer, do Christians conceptualize that they are praying to the Trinity, or individually to the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit? 
48:18 – The priest in my parish is forcing us to receive in the hand. Is this right and something that he can do? 

Resources Mentioned:

The Expositor’s Bible Commentary
Why be Catholic? An Exercise for Evangelicals by Jimmy Akin

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